Adding Credentials to Vault

Learn how to add Credential Sets to a Credential Vault on BugBase


Steps to Adding Credentials to a Credential Vault

1. Navigate to Credentials Tab

Select a Vault in which you would like to import Credentials into.

In this case we are using a Dynamic - Request Based Assign Vault Type

2. Click on Add Credentials

3. Choose and Upload your Credentials in CSV Format

How to structure & upload credentials?

Follow the steps below to structure & upload your credentials in a CSV File.

  1. Download the Sample CSV template and fill in the credentials you would like to add.

  2. Enter the credentials which you would like to assign to bug hunters, you can add custom fields such as - API Keys, Access Tokens, Username, Passwords etc.

  3. Once the Credentials CSV file is ready, upload it below (Only CSV Files supported upto 25MB).

4. Preview Uploaded Credentials

Once the uploaded CSV is in a correct format, Credentials would show up in a table.

🎉 Congratulations you've successfully Added Credentials to a Credential Vault

Last updated