Assigning Thanks to Reporters
Acknowledge Efforts & Valuable Contributions of Bug Reporters by sending them a Thanks Message
Last updated
Acknowledge Efforts & Valuable Contributions of Bug Reporters by sending them a Thanks Message
Last updated
This feature allows program owners to express their gratitude and appreciation to the reporters who have contributed to improving the security of their applications. In addition to assigning monetary rewards for valid bug reports, program owners now have the option to assign thanks to reporters as a way of acknowledging their efforts and valuable contributions.
Thanks can only be assigned when marking the Report as Resolved or Informational
Navigate to a Report
Go to the Top Action Bar of the Report and click on the "Change Report Status" button.
When Marking a Report as Resolved or Informational, a Text Box will appear where you can add a Thanks Message to the Reporter acknowledging their efforts and valuable contributions in reporting the bug.
Enter the Thanks Message & Mark the Report as Resolved or Informational
Once the Thanks has been Assigned, it will show up in the Report Thread
Assigning Thanks is mandatory when No Reward (Bounty/Swag) is assigned while marking a Bug Report as Resolved. In any other flow of changing report status it is an optional field (Incase of marking a report Informational)
BugBase is committed to fostering a collaborative and appreciative bug bounty community. The "Assign Thanks" feature aims to create a culture of recognition and gratitude within our platform, motivating reporters to continue their valuable contributions and encouraging program owners to express their appreciation. We believe that this feature will further enhance the bug hunting experience for all participants on BugBase.