🔗Supported Integrations
Make BugBase a part of your SDLC!
Supported Integrations
BugBase provides various integrations with external issue tracking tools and it's own custom hooks. These integrations fit perfectly into a pre-existing security workflow, so with minimal setup and minimal effort you can start tracking your reports and issues.
With BugBase integrations, you can integrate multiple issue tracking integrations in a single program.
Project & Issue Tracking Integrations
JIRA | Asana | Github
Using integrations with JIRA, Asana and Github on BugBase, you can create issues and track them in real time.
JIRAAsanaGithubIntegrations for Trigger Based Notifications & Logging
Slack | MS Teams | Sumo Logic
Using Integrations wiith Slack, MS Teams, SumoLogic with BugBase, you can track reports, get notified when bugs are reported, triaged, closed, changed status, assigned bounties, and more.
SlackMicrosoft TeamsSumo LogicWebhooks
Webhooks are a way to send data to an external service. BugBase supports webhooks for the following use-cases
Check for new reports, get notified when new bugs are reported.
Get notified when bugs are triaged, closed and more.
Last updated